Crap Attack

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Imagine the wonderful moment - a girl you have had secretly loved all the time has given you one chance and agreed with a date, All perfect, till, your stomach made himself known and seems your intestines are already familiar with the situation.

But, you were waiting for this date - this the day - whole your life, you cannot leave her go just because of some brownish problem. There's one last hope - a miraculous pill that could save the situation.

You, as the pill, you will visit the a body (more precisely his intestines) of the guy in love and will try help him to... you know, keep all it inside him for at least few next hours. You have exactly 5 minutes for it, go!

Game features

  • 7 levels
  • 2 modes to play (Story Mode and Crap Hysteria Mode)
  • 2 available endings
  • Fun idea, fun animations, lot of fun during gameplay

Age rating: PACO3  ( for kids ✓ )

Published on Oct 1, 2020

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