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Become ninja. is a miltiplayer survival game you have to survive as long as possible, kill as many players as possible and be the first in the score table. In other royal battle games you can´t level up, but in this one you can level up and improve yourself. You get the level for the XP. You get XP for killing enemies and eating the sushi that is all over the map. For each level, you will gain 3 points and you can give them to speed, stamina and health. Depending on this, you will also be changing colour of your belt. You can also have another weapon from level 5, such as katana. Stay alive as long as possible and be the largest ninja, because levels and kills will make you bigger. Have fun.

Publicado el Apr 23, 2018

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*negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~

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    *negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~