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Spongebob Lost Treasures

It would not be Spongebob, if he did not get into trouble. This time he has lost all sorts of things, and it will be up to you to help him find them back. Take advantage of the subtle traps that will teleport you to places where you would hardly reach just on foot. This way you can collect all items for Krusty Krab! When exploring the game world, watch out for the sharp objects that can cut you and for enemies who do not like you because of your pranks that many times hindered their otherwise cool evening. Answer trivia questions, search for the golden keys and unlock the doors that will lead to solving further mysteries! Have fun.

Publicado el Nov 8, 2017

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*negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~

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    *negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~