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Point Adventure

Are you looking for a nice little adventure game to go through with ease? Point Adventure is not such a game. This endless scrolling arcade game is fast paced and hard. Really hard. And mean. You control a circle with two orbs on the opposite sites and you have to move the circle through obstacles. You are able rotate the circle while it constantly moves upwards. If one of the orbs crashes into an obstacle you lose. How far will you be able to go? Are you able to handle the frustration of crashing time and again? Will you set the record or will you have walk away in shame? Accept the challenge and have fun.

Publicado el Jul 19, 2016

10.266 jugó Etiquetas: Lógica aventura html5 teclado distancia habilidad

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*negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~

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    *negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~