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Trouble Dragons

You are a house builder, but recently, dragons have begun making troubles for you. They are flying above in the skies and stealing certain pieces of the house that you are working on. What now? You have to finish your project by the end of the month. You cannot allow these dragons to sabotage your hard effort, so you have to find a solution. I have one and I will share it with you. Keep working and focus on the building process as much as you can, but when you spot a dragon, get rid of it as soon as possible. This plan should work. Have fun.

Publicado el Mar 8, 2016

14.221 jugó Etiquetas: Lógica Mouse Rompecabezas

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*negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~

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    *negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~