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Parking Fury

Modern times are bringing increasingly rapid technological and industrial development, but this fact also has its downsides. Take the example of, lets say, cars. Fifty years ago, almost nobody had a car and today it is, in the developed world, virtually everyone. This means that the number of used cars continues to grow, while the number of parking spaces is still limited. Parking is therefore much harder than in the past. This is also true in the game Parking Fury, where you will be asked to park several cars without crashing them. Can you do it? Have fun.

Publicado el Feb 5, 2016

48.704 jugó Etiquetas: Autoescuela coches teclado aparcar coches

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*negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~

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    *negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~