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Toy War Robot Stegosaurus

Here comes another member of your Toy War family - Stegosaurus. Assemble it and see what kind of powers it possesses. My bet would be that this guy will be efficient in your defense line. Stegosaurus is known for its heavily armored body, and for easily identifiable distinctive double row of kite-shaped plates rising vertically along the rounded back and the two pairs of long spikes extending horizontally near the end of the tail. It could grow up to 9 m (29.5 ft) in length, so you can imagine that this new acquisition to your Toy War team will play the key role. Have fun.

Veröffentlicht am Apr 18, 2016

19.775 Spiele Schildchen: Logik Maus-Spiele Puzzlespiele Roboter

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