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Juicy Bazooka

People are most vulnerable with help of stuff which they love. In a case of hero of this game called Juicy Bazooka it's his food in his fridge. Cram all the food into the fridge cost a lot of work. Fortunately the effort has paid off and the hero could go happy to bed. Unfortunately his joy did not take for a long time. The fridge was empty already on the second day, without any hero's participation. Seems be, that the hero had a visit at night. Now is sure, that they had interest about food. So, why do not give them more food? Use the melon and try to hit all these thief to the head. Have fun.

Veröffentlicht am Dec 5, 2014

25.667 Spiele Schildchen: Logik Maus-Spiele Schießspiele

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