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Robot Hell Hound

Assemble your own hellhound and turn the tides of the Toy War. A hellhound is a supernatural dog appearing in mythologies around the world. Features that have been attributed to hellhounds include mangled black fur, glowing red eyes, super strength or speed, ghostly or phantom characteristics. Certain legends state that if someone stares into a hellhounds eyes twice or more, that person will surely die. Hellhounds have fire-based abilities and appearance. So what are you waiting for? Open the toy box and assemble this protector of the supernatural.

Publicado em May 11, 2016

33.122 jogando Tags: Acção luta mouse quebra cabeça robô

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*negrito*  _itálico_  ~ riscado ~

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    *negrito*  _itálico_  ~ riscado ~