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= accelerate

space = powerup

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Do you know all those games like Slither.io, Agar.io, Diep.io and their less popular clones? Now, this .io family is expanding about Boattle.io - a simple game containing passenger cruisers fighting against each other in DeathMatch mode. Although you can get only bigger score by killing enemies, you should do it. To make it easier, the game of course contains powerups in a form of other weapons, air strikes, health restoring and other necessary helpers. They all float on the sea and you can always pick up them easily by a ride through them. Some of them will be active immediately, the other you will have to activated by space bar, ideally in the time when you will need them. The game is currently in early development so we can expect more of everything from other opportuities up to better optimization of performance. Will you train and play the game already now, or will you be waiting for a final version? Have fun.

Veröffentlicht am Apr 12, 2016

8.673 Spiele Schildchen: Multiplayer

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