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Operate Now: Pericardium Surgery

Hardly anyone knows how it looks in a human body. Common people have not a reason thinking about it. However if you are preparing for an operation, in which you are moreover the surgeon, you should know something about it. It will surgery of the pericardium which is basically a sac created by a double layer. The first layer farther from the heart anchors the heart in the right position and protect it from overfilling with blood. The second layer has a lubricating function and allows perform heart activity without big friction. Between these two layers there is another fluid which protect the heart from shocks. In today's surgical operation, your task will insert a Surgical Suction into the space of internal lubricating layer and suck excess fluid. Can you do it? Welcome in the game Operate Now: Pericardium Surgery, you have three mins, so go to the work, surgeon. Have fun.

نُشر في Sep 13, 2017

قم بدعوة 10 من الأصدقاء و بدون إعلانات .

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