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Virtual Knee Surgery

Knee is the largest joint in the human body. Its task is join femur with tibia and allows the leg movement. Between these two bones there is the friction-reducing fluid. Anyway, because of large long-term load there may experience damage of contact surfaces which can lead to large pain during any step. In the latest phase this damage is fixable just with help of surgery during which whole contact surfaces are replaced. The new knee replacement is created from a steel and a plastic spacer which allows easier replacement in the future. Today, this operation will be in your jurisdiction, however do not worry. One surgeon will navigate you nicely step by step and explain you all what you need to know. Also you will find out, what they use, why they use it, what properties the new knee has and many more interesting informations. All in a simple form with help of the game Virtual Knee Surgery. Do not try this at home. If you like surgeon games, check out here. have fun.

Veröffentlicht am Feb 4, 2015

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