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s = shield

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Cyber Gears

Year 2050, technology has evolved much further than we knew it fifty years ago. We are not using ordinary cars anymore. We are using two types of vehicles: one for transportation, and one for racing competitions of all kinds. They differ just in their performance, but they work on the same principles. Vehicles are powered by electromagnetic rechargeable battery of unimaginable capacity, giving these vehicles potential of reaching unseen speeds. Race against other players from all over the world in this fast-paced racing game where strategy, timing, and outstanding driving skills can carry you to the victory. Upgrade your vehicles, and weapons, and outclass your competition. Have fun.

Publicado em Nov 12, 2017

Convide 10 amigos e jogue sem anúncios.

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*negrito*  _itálico_  ~ riscado ~

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    *negrito*  _itálico_  ~ riscado ~