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Petigor's Tale

When the mighty wizzard Orokh burnt your village, only few would believe that someone would rise and stand against him. Someone who would sacrifice his own live for his people. It was you! A common farmer who had enough courage to deal with all the mighty evil forces that haunt this world. Equipped with a simple armor and a blunt sword, you are on an adventure for revenge. The path to Orokh leads through his loyal minions who will not play with you. Kill all the enemies and go along the path that will lead you to the great source of all evil! Have fun.

Publicado em Dec 26, 2017

Convide 10 amigos e jogue sem anúncios.

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*negrito*  _itálico_  ~ riscado ~

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    *negrito*  _itálico_  ~ riscado ~