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Chavo and the Giant Sandwich

Number of hungry people in the world is around 800 million. This number is terrible especially when you realize, that total number of people worldwide is slightly over seven billions. This basically says that each eighth human suffer from hunger. The most tragic situation is in Africa where statistically one in four humans suffer from hunger. However the problem of food shortages is also matter of people living on the margins of society at developed countries. Chavo, a little boy and hero of the game Chavo and the Giant Sandwich knows the situation, when you are alone and without money. It's his life. Anyway each human must eat, there is no other option, maximally death. Therefore Chavo needs your help. He really wants to get to eat a giant sandwich which is being selling in a local shop. Problem is, that its cost is 30 pesos. Can you help to Chavo earn 30 pesos? Have fun.

Publié le Oct 6, 2014

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