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Fast arrival to a needed place is in the case of ambulances and other rescue cars the thing, which decides about survival. Therefore cars of rescue units have beacons which are easy to see, hear, and command to all go out of the way. A little problem is when there is some solid obstacle in the way. It can be a huge stone or for example unfinished bridge. In this case the work is up to you - you are a pilot of helicopter which is modified to be able to lift a stone, finish a bridge and much more other stuff which can be needed to do. And right now you can try nearly all of it, because ways are in really bad condition and your headquarters reports many actions. Have fun.

Veröffentlicht am Nov 28, 2014

160.244 Spiele Schildchen: Action Abenteuerspiele Flugzeug Fliegen Tastatur

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